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Alternative Dispute Resolution

  Alternative Dispute Resolution Definition ·          Alternative dispute resolution (“ADR”) mentions to some procedure of settling without law suit. ADR accumulate all procedure and manners of disputes resolve that happen outside of any  administration . The most famous ·          ADR methods are the following: ·          Mediation ,  Arbitration ,  Conciliation ,  Negotiation , and  Transaction .  All ADR techniques have usual quality – i.e., entitle the parties to find acceptable solutions to their dispute outside of conventional legal / court proceedings, but are governed by different rules. For example, in negotiation there is no third party who mediate to help the parties reach an  agreement , unlike in mediation and conciliation, where the motive of the third party is to encourage an cordial agreement between the parties. In arbitration, the third party (an arbitrator or several arbitrators) will play an main role as it will provide an  arbitration   award  that will
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