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In the Court of _________________________________


Consent for Authentication

               I hereby consent to provide my Aadhaar Number, Biometric and/or One Time Pin(OTP) data for Aadhaar based Authentication for the purpose of establishing my identity in the Court as well as to club all cases (pending or decided) through my Aadhaar number information by District and Sessions Judge, _____________________


               I have no objection in authenticating myself and fully understand that information provided by me shall be used for authenticating my identity through Aadhaar Authentication System for the purpose stated above and no other purpose. I also understand that District & Sessions Judge_______________ shall ensure security/confidentiality of my personal identity data provided for the purpose of Aadhaar based authentication.



Signature/Thumb Impression:________________________

Name: _____________________________________________

Name of the Court: ________________________________

Case Number: ______________________________________

Case Title: _______________________________________

Date: ______/______/20___


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