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10 legal Rights in India

10 legal Rights in India

10 legal Rights in India

India is a progressive country. No one know completely their legal i am discuss about the main ten legal rights which you must know. if you don`t know about these rights you may suffer corruption so lets start the topic.

1.Female arrest by female police : In Indian  law have the rules that if any offence by a female then the female police may arrest. never a male police arrest the women. if by police any women to call in the police station between 6.00 pm to 6.00 am then the women may deny because in Indian law in the police station never any women may called between  6.00 pm to 6.00 am.  

2.Right to Arrest by Income tax recovery officer: The Indian Income tax recovery Organization have the right to arrest if any  payment owed to income tax and with their permission you may release. this rule have mentioned in the income tax act 1961.

3. Motor Vehicle Act do not apply on Driving bicycle & rickshaw : if you are driving bi -cycle and rickshaw then you need not worry about amendments of motor vehicle act because the motor vehicle act do not apply on the bicycle and rickshaw driver.

4.Living in relationship : In India living in relationship is valid its not illegal. if some couple want to living in relationship then they live but some precaution may use. from the living relationship if any child may born he/she full legal rights of property of father mother.

5. No punishment of same offence under motor vehicle act: if you do not wear helmet and charged fine by traffic police then whole day you never charged fine again of same offence.

6.You may Buy product Below MRP: no seller sale the product more MRP if any seller do that then you have right to file the consumer complaint against them

7.You can file a complaint against Borrower: you can file civil suit in the your local jurisdiction within 3 year if you borrow some amount as friendly or any other reason. if you have late and you have filled after 3 year then you must reply solid reason to file late if the preceding officer satisfy then he accept otherwise it may rejected.

8.Police never deny any time you need help: as per the police act 1861 the police of any state never deny for the help of citizen at any time you need. if any tragedy  with you late night and you have went to police station and there police officer never refuse to told you i am not on duty. Because as per police act if any police office do not wear uniform he/she is always on duty. 

9. Adoption : As per Hindu adoption act 1956 if you are belonging to Hindu then you may adopt a child if you have nothing any child and the gape between the age of you and child is 21 years. if you already have child then you may not adopt any child.  

10. Cruelty by Wife: if your wife continuously  taunting you, misbehave you and force you to separate from their parents then the husband right to have file divorce under cruelty ground.


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