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Facebook Crimes

Facebook Crimes 

                                                          It’s very amusement for me to propose to my readers an article on Facebook and related crimes. So many times I emphasis the importance of social networking and of all related form of communication. Of course with the rapid diffusion of technology the number of crimes is expended productively. Here a descriptive summary of the main crimes on social networks.
Facebook Crimes

There’s no doubt that Facebook has completely reformed the way people interact. But there’s a dark side to the world’s mob which indulged in love affair with social media. Criminals are finding new ideas to use Facebook to commit new and revolutionized crimes that authorities don’t necessarily know how to police. That’s why if you want to use  social media, you should be fully aware of the common crimes committed on Facebook so that you can evade becoming a victim. Here are the  most common Facebook crimes.

  1. Embezzlement : A thief doesn't take long to find out where you live, go to school, work or hang out if you make this information easily available on Facebook.If you use Facebook's check-in or Google Maps feature, you may be in trouble if a robber is paying attention. This person is not always completely stranger; He may be an old acquaintance or someone you would never have expected to rob you.
  2.  Scams : Criminals have been using this scam for centuries. In the world of Facebook, scams are especially effective to lure people to lure someone to click on a link that would interest almost anyone, such as an innocent looking information that you have won a free prize like a gift card. Then, to claim the prize, scammers need to submit you some information, such as a credit card number or Social Security number. This description may sound like it's easy to find scams, but even the most aware social media user may have to search for illegal requests for information. 
  3.  Chasing : The word "Chasing" is thrown a lot on Facebook, and it is often a joke to see someone's profile regularly. However, the real task of cyber-touting is a common crime on the social networking site and can lead to serious crime. Cyber-talk typically involves harassing someone with messages, text messages, and other persistent online behavior that puts a person's safety at risk. While cyber-chasing seems nothing more than annoying behavior, it is a legitimate cause of concern in many cases and can lead to an individual chasing or risk if not treated seriously 
  4. Identity Theft : Nowadays, there is a large amount of personal information around Facebook, it has become much easier for criminals to steal users' identities. Hackers often break user emails and create fake Facebook accounts. From here they can access personal and bank information and damage your sense of security. Protect yourself from identity theft on Facebook by keeping your profile very secure and free from personal information that a criminal would like. 
  5. Cyber bullying : Cyber bullying is a common occurrence among teenagers on Facebook and serious criminal charges can be brought if it goes far enough. Cyber bullying on Facebook has contributed to the deaths of many teenagers who either committed suicide or were killed by a partner. Cyber bullying, including hacking or password and identity theft, can be punishable under state and federal law. When the ad is not. 
  6. Defamation : A person commits a defamation offence when he makes a false statement to a third party that paints another person or organization in a negative light. Facebook makes offensive statements scary, and exposure provided by Facebook makes it more likely that businesses or individuals will suffer from abusive statements, and thus more likely to pursue legal remedies. Take care of what you say on Facebook; You may be committing an offence without knowing. 
  7. Harassment : Harassment happens all the time on Facebook. From sexual harassment to assault threats, there has been a significant increase in the number of harassment cases on Facebook. It is not unusual for sex offenders and sexual predators to hunt suspected victims on Facebook and even pose as a teenager or college student. Disturbing messages, inappropriate comments, and other persistent behaviors should be reported to Facebook and your local police station.


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